What to Do About Lawlessness
June 2018 Partner Letter
We are sure you have noticed the world we are living in today to be quite a different place than it was a mere 50 years ago. How did our world and life as we knew it change so quickly? Of course, with the advancement of technology we passed from the Industrial Revolution to the Information Age which has altered the base of our economy and greatly influenced our society, but these changes are also a sign of the times in which we live.
We believe we are living very close to the second coming of Christ to the earth. The Bible is filled with wisdom including messages and warnings about the future.
Jesus spoke about the signs of His coming
and what the world would look like at the end of the age.
He spoke of great deception in the earth, wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, increased earthquakes (seismic activity) and troubles.
You will find the words Jesus spoke concerning the signs of His coming and the end of the age written in three Books of the New Testament: Matthew 24:3-14, Mark 13:3-8, and Luke 21:7-11. Please take time to read these accounts.
There is so much that could be shared about the signs of the time in which we live, but this month we especially want to direct our attention and teaching to the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:12, “And lawlessness will abound because the love of many shall grow cold.” Another word for lawlessness is wickedness. One of the signs Jesus mentioned that would mark the time just before His return is lawlessness—rebellion, defiance, and wickedness with no boundaries or rules. In this verse, He also tells us why lawlessness will prevail—the love of many (great numbers) will grow cold, the hearts of men will harden.
Shortly after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, we saw a news clip of parents whose children had been murdered. We heard their pain and sensed their unbearable loss. These parents and all the families who have been victims of this lawlessness so prevalent in our society are crying out for answers and solutions, and many are endeavoring to do what they can to end these massacres. And we cannot neglect to mention the strain and fear parents everywhere may face each and every day they send their children off to school.
Every born-again believer can do something
about widespread lawlessness in our nation—and we must!
As born-again believers, we have been given authority in Christ. Understanding our authority is of utmost importance in working with God in prayer. Let’s begin with a quotation from the preface of the powerful book by John A MacMillan, The Authority of the Believer. [Note: Brother Kenneth E Hagin took his inspiration to write The Believer’s Authority from the writings of MacMillan.]
“The rapidly approaching end of the age is witnessing a tremendous increase in the activity of the powers of darkness… [He lists several reasons for this that he saw.]
“To meet the situation, the church of Christ needs a new conception of prayer. The urgent call is for men and women, wholly yielded to the Lord, whose eyes have been enlightened to see the ministry in the heavenlies to which they have been called.
“Such believers whether as intercessors, or as workers at home, or missionaries on the foreign fields, may in union with the great Head of the Body, exercise an authority to which the powers of the air must give place wherever challenged.”
Authority is delegated power and Jesus gave us (entrusted to us/to the church)—the power He attained when He overcame the powers of darkness. The sinless Lamb of God triumphed over death, hell and the grave. After Jesus rose from the dead, “…by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” (Heb. 9:12 KJV), He returned to the earth and for 40 days He visited His disciples and spoke many things to them about what He accomplished through His death, burial and resurrection. He spoke to them about the Kingdom He had established and the rule of law within that Kingdom. In Matthew 28:18 (TPT), Jesus declares, “All the authority of the universe has been given to me. Now go in my authority and make disciples of all nations…”
The Apostle Paul, in the Book of Ephesians, speaks clearly of our delegated authority and the greatness of this power to us who believe. (Please read Ephesians 1:17-23 and 2:1-6.)
According to these verses, Christ was raised from the dead through the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of God’s power and by this power was seated at the right hand of the Father and enthroned “far above” ALL the powers of darkness ruling over them with the authority of the Most High God.
But there is more. In Ephesians 1:17-19, the Apostle Paul’s prayer is for believers to know and understand the greatness of this power in us as believers and available to us who believe. He goes on to say that Jesus, as the Supreme Head of the Church, will exercise His authority through His body, the church. And in Ephesians 2:5-7, we read we have been made alive together in union with Christ, raised up together with Him, and made to sit down together with Him! As believers in Christ, we share this seat with Him and partake of the authority it represents. This is the birthright of every child of God.
As Christian believers, we need to realize our prayer life must be more than petitions and pleadings, but must also include exercising of our authority in Christ. It’s our right and our responsibility.
Most of us realize we live in a fallen world as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve when deceived by Lucifer they relinquished their authority to him. Jesus restored our lost relationship with our Father, solidly defeated Satan, ascended to His throne of authority, and raised the Church (born-again believers) up to sit with Him in this delegated authority.
There is a war that continues in some capacity in the earthly arena affecting our lives to a certain degree … until we understand the principles that must be employed in order for us to triumph in this life.
Our children, our families, our schools, our neighborhoods, cities, states, and nations would be shielded from and set free from the influences of evil as we consistently take our seat of authority in Christ with understanding and belief that principalities, powers, might and dominion must obey the authority of the risen Christ! We were raised up together with Him to rule and reign in Him.
Before we close this letter, we want to suggest you purchase and read two important books that are a must for every Christian to read. One is a mini-book by Sister Billye Brim called, The Authority of the Believer & How to Use It. The other is the marvelous book by John A. MacMillan, The Authority of the Believer.
In our next letter we will continue sharing Bible truths that will help you to be an overcomer in this life. Revelation 12:11 (NKJV) says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”
It is our hope and prayer this letter was a blessing to you, strengthening and helping you live victoriously as a Christian believer. Possibly you may be facing a situation you would like us to pray with you about, please contact us and we promise we will take our seat of authority in Christ and agree with you according to the Word of God.
We will close with our heartfelt thanks for your continued prayers and financial gifts to this God-given work. As we continue to serve the body of Christ and use our gifts for His glory, we want to thank you for your every prayer.
Bob & Katherine