Never having married, when accusations began to fly about using him for his money and the comforts of his two-story home the hurt began. But when he began to criticize her religion and relationship with the Lord Jesus, with only her purse in hand, she walked out and never has returned to him or her beloved homeland of Armenia.
Arriving in Moscow to start a new life would not be easy. Repeatedly over many months time she could be found wearing the same shirt, same slacks, same shoes, the same hurt hanging from her like a dirty bandage. Until that fateful, God ordained day when Jesus poured out His great mercy and loving kindness at our women’s meeting in a most remarkable way. Faithful is our Lord who has directed her steps to find the acceptance, comfort and assistance of her new sisters and family at Moscow Good News Church.
Today as I glance across the room I see a precious woman with confidence emerging as she acquires new skills, learning to type and use the computer. Her attire also reflects her new found deliverance and healing. And although her past has at times called to her, she has held fast to the safety and stability provided through the love and ministry of the women and families of our wonderful church here in Moscow, Russia.