What kind of emotions and thoughts do you encounter when you see news headlines? Every day we become aware of alarming information, scandals, turmoil, disaster, tragedy, and heartbreak in immense proportion. This continual barrage of ‘bad news’ can often make us feel helpless, trapped, disappointed and afraid. You may even currently be facing an alarming situation. It seems disaster and heartbreak to be commonplace for many. But we have ‘good news’ for you today!
Precious Blood for Troubled Times
/in Monthly Partner LetterThis month, we especially want to focus on the safety of our children and our schools and tell you how you can make a difference in protecting the schools in your community and help you teach school children everywhere how to protect themselves. We have some very clear instructions from the Bible as to how Christians can prevail over the turmoil and darkness of this world affecting our lives and those of our loved ones.
What to Do About Lawlessness
/in Monthly Partner LetterWe are sure you have noticed the world we are living in today to be quite a different place than it was a mere 50 years ago. How did our world and life as we knew it change so quickly? Of course, with the advancement of technology we passed from the Industrial Revolution to the Information Age which has altered the base of our economy and greatly influenced our society, but these changes are also a sign of the times in which we live.
Suggested Reading List by Topic
/in BooksThe following list of books are ones we can personally recommend! These titles have been very helpful to us in our walk with God. (Note: Books marked in ***bold type have been unusually impactful for us.)
When Wicked Weather Heads Your Way
/in Monthly Partner LetterWhat kind of emotions and thoughts do you encounter when you see news headlines? Every day we become aware of alarming information, scandals, turmoil, disaster, tragedy, and heartbreak in immense proportion. This continual barrage of ‘bad news’ can often make us feel helpless, trapped, disappointed and afraid. You may even currently be facing an alarming situation. It seems disaster and heartbreak to be commonplace for many. But we have ‘good news’ for you today!
December 2017 Partner Letter
/in Monthly Partner LetterIt’s the most wonderful time of the year reads the sign on the storefront window, but why is Christmas the most wonderful time of the year??? These words mean something different depending upon who is reading them. To a child it’s the anticipation of Christmas morning, the tree laden with gifts. A mom may sigh, “Ugh!” with the very thought of all the pressures of the holidays while Dad may only see dollar signs.
November 2017 Partner Letter
/in Monthly Partner LetterAs decades of our lives pass and our journey through life meanders we also transition from season to season. And so it is for us at this time. Our journey has taken us half way around the world to experience 13 wonderful years in Russia! These years were filled with exciting adventures with God, a season in which we stretched to give our all to complete our God-given assignment. Today, we approach a new season and we want to share our hearts and ask for your prayers as we endeavor to take up and complete our new assignment.
June 2017 Partner Letter
/in Monthly Partner LetterWhile planning and building our website, we thought of you, our friends and partners. Of course, we wanted our site to be informational and include all the latest photos and news about us and what we are up to, but more than that; we wanted our website to include resources that would help to strengthen your Christian life. Today we wanted to give you a little tour around our website and hope that we can whet your appetite to visit the site and see for yourself.
Remembering the Day I Met Dear Fatima
/in Foot Notes by Katherine“I am from Ghana. We were very poor and I grew up in the dirt. My father had four wives and we were fourteen children. We were taught to hate. At age twelve my family packed a small bag and I was given to an elderly man to marry. I can still see him shuffling across the floor to take me with him. Very soon after we married I ran away. I made a living on the city streets.”
More on the Lord’s Prayer #2
/in Keep Your Eye on BobWhat are we asking for here? We are talking about doing God’s will. We are asking for the Kingdom of God to be established on earth as it is in heaven. We are saying we submit to the will of God so His will can be established in the earth. We want His will to be done so we can complete God’s plan for our lives and He can transform us into the likeness of Christ.
The Lord’s Prayer #1
/in Keep Your Eye on BobI find it fascinating that you can get great new insight into something you have known about for years and had almost forgotten. Recently this happened to me with the prayer we call The Lord’s Prayer. It goes like this: Matthew 6:9 “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.