April 2017 Partner Letter

To be born again a person must call on the name of the Lord, but how can they do that if they do not know who the Lord is? How can they believe on someone they do not even know? Well, God has the solution to this problem; send a preacher to testify about Jesus and salvation. This can be any born again Christian sharing about Jesus and God’s wonderful plan of salvation. Of course, this is all well and good, but what if the sinner is not acquainted with the preacher?

March 2017 Partner Letter

This month we want to share our thoughts with you about the prayer of faith. We understand most of you have prayed the prayer of faith for years and probably understand well how the prayer of faith works, but let’s look at this powerful prayer again today and believe the Holy Spirit will teach us something more and make our faith-filled prayers even more effective. Of course, it’s important to understand we need to pray in agreement with the will of God.


Never having married, when accusations began to fly about using him for his money and the comforts of his two-story home the hurt began. But when he began to criticize her religion and relationship with the Lord Jesus, with only her purse in hand, she walked out and never has returned to him or her beloved homeland of Armenia. Arriving in Moscow to start a new life would not be easy.

Lives Transformed at the Drug Rehabilitation Hospital

As we round the corner and buildings comes into view, I am flooded with a myriad of emotions. Housed within these buildings that now surround us like sky-high sentinels are hundreds, maybe thousands, of women. These buildings seem to speak of their neglect and as we approach the entrance and the long climb up several sets of stairs, my heart begins to pound with expectation. What will we encounter beyond these doors? A brief explanation is made through a small porthole in the door and we enter Area 29 of the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center in Moscow.

Giving Starts the Receiving Process

When God spoke to Katherine to take her first mission trip to Russia, we didn’t have 10 cents to call our own. Down on our knees in prayer, we went in search of the answer to our financial need for her trip. The Lord specifically spoke to Katherine to write three letters to businessmen we knew. Disappointingly, each one of them responded saying their businesses had come upon ‘hard times’ and they were sorry but they were not in a position to help financially.

February 2017 Partner Letter

The congregation at Moscow Good News Church is nearing the end of our annual twenty-one day time of fasting and prayer. As always, this is a time a great reflection, great expectations and a lot of prayers ascending to the Father God. Have you ever wondered why God requires us to lift our voices and ask of Him and inquire of Him? Why would an all-powerful God need our prayers? Doesn’t Jesus, the Head of the Church, have the authority on earth to do WHATEVER He wants to do?

January 2017 Partner Letter

We hope you had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas surrounded by your family and friends and enjoyed every single moment together! What a year 2016 has been—all around the world! We faced many new challenges in 2016, especially in regard to processing our annual Work Permit/VISA. It was a long drawn out situation this year, requiring us to wait four months to return to Russia! Mid-October we finalized the documents to return and about six weeks later we extended our VISA until September, 2017.