December 2017 Partner Letter

It’s the most wonderful time of the year reads the sign on the storefront window, but why is Christmas the most wonderful time of the year??? These words mean something different depending upon who is reading them. To a child it’s the anticipation of Christmas morning, the tree laden with gifts. A mom may sigh, “Ugh!” with the very thought of all the pressures of the holidays while Dad may only see dollar signs.

However; for Christians, it’s the most wonderful time of the year because we celebrate the birth of our Savior. We are taking time to remember that God Himself came to the earth and demonstrated just how much He loved us by showing us He will stop at nothing to keep His promises to us. At Christmas, we remember why Jesus came and we remember the selfless act of love He expressed to us when He bled and died upon the cross. Christmas is a time to celebrate our redemption!!!

“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” (Galatians 4:4-7)

We have so much to be thankful for and to celebrate when we remember Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year!

As this holiday season unfolds, we pray you will experience an even greater measure of God’s unsurpassable love and care for you.

Merry Christmas!

Bob and Katherine Dickerson